Agricultural Solutions

One of the main concerns when shipping food and animal feed is keeping the products fresh. This requires careful planning and coordination to ensure that the products are kept at the proper temperature and humidity levels throughout the duration of transport. FSI has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible shipping solution for your agricultural products.

USDA Compliance

Another challenge faced by the agricultural industry is complying with USDA regulations. These regulations can be complex and ever-changing, making it difficult for companies to keep up with the latest requirements. FSI has a thorough understanding of USDA regulations and can help your company stay compliant during transport. We will work with you to develop a shipping plan that meets all of the necessary requirements, including packaging, labeling, and storage specifications.

Your Agricultural Partner for Dry and Fresh Goods

Dry and Food-Grade Solutions

Preserving Freshness Throughout Every Transit

Shipping Solutions Managed Logistics

Customized Approach

Flexible Solutions That Meet Changing Needs

Shipping Solutions Global Logistics

Any Cargo, Anywhere

Deliveries When And Where You Need Them